Prevision I – Video

In Prevision I, a person is facing an audience yet to attend, to witness her testimony, which is also yet to be written. The figure with a bare back is standing still and attentive towards the still empty space ahead of her. The soundtrack of the video is a male voice repeating “I remember, I care, I wish”. The video was projected in the gallery and onto the window space of the gallery where it was highly visible for passers-by on the street.

Prevision I
Filmed by Róisín Loughrey
Performed by Sorcha Kelly
Voice by Des Braiden
Idea by Susanne Bosch with the support of Róisín Loughrey, Des Braiden and Sorcha Kelly

Sorcha in Theatre KopieFilmstill

IMG_8959 IMG_9632 IMG_9635 IMG_9637 DSCF3876 DSCF3839Images from Róisín Loughrey, Susanne Bosch, Gertrud Wibbelmann, Philip Sides, 2015

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